Why should I practice yoga with my child?

Even at a young age, children can start to learn yoga and mindfulness, skills they will use throughout their lives! They will start learning body and mind awareness, flexibility, balance, and breathing techniques to use when they feel overwhelmed, upset, or just to be in tune with their bodies.  Practicing yoga with your child is also a great bonding experience for adults to share with their child!

What does a kids yoga class look like?

Short answer-not what you think of with an adult yoga class!  Classes are filled with songs, dancing, movement, poses, stories, games and props!  This is a hands-on way to introduce the concepts of yoga through movement and play!

What do I need to bring to class?

Bring a yoga mat or beach towel, and snacks, water, or anything else you need to keep your child happy!

My child has a short attention span or doesn't sit still.  How will they participate?

Each child will participate in their own way! If your child wanders around the room or sits and stares, they are still paying attention and getting something out of it.  From the various activities, children will actively participate in something! Each class will be adapted based on participants interest and engagement; class is also fast paced and frequently changing activities to keep engagement.  Your participation helps too-the more your child sees you dancing, posing, and having fun, the more likely they are to join.  Also, repetition helps make children feel more comfortable.  Once students learn the routines or common poses, they are more likely to participate!