Class Schedule

Spring Yoga Sessions

Yoga at the Thunderdome

New Date and Time!

Registration is open!

Email for more information!

Library Storytime Yoga

Yoga at the Glenview Library for 3-6 years old (with an adult)

*Register on library website*

February 28

March 14

April 11

Shabbat with a Twist

First Friday and Saturday of the Month at Congregation Beth Shalom

March 21 and 22

April 18 and 19

May 2 and 3

Other Opportunities to Flow

*Interested in birthday parties, special events, or other class times, contact me!

*Join the group Pandaste Yoga on Facebook for updates!

*Follow the page Pandaste Yoga on Facebook for updates and information!

*Follow Pandaste Yoga on Instagram for updates and information!